January 2003 - New Year - Dallas Texas NightLife, Dallas Texas Shopping and Dallas Texas Dining - It gets really cold in the DFW Metroplex
(Dallas, Texas - Fort Worth, Texas and surrounding cities) , Where to party and what to do in Dallas, Texas........... Dallas Texas Cool WebsitesWhat makes a Cool Web Site listing? Simply put, coolness of some kind. Cool Web Design, Cool content,Cool music use, Cool usefulness, Cool weirdness, Cool Dallas Texas, Fort Worth or DFW Metroplex Websites , Cool Flash Examples, Cool Music, Cool Shopping, Cool Recipes, Cool Food, Cool Events Really good trance or the use of Trance Music or any music used skilfully and not country/western or rap/hip hop, just something, that... makes you want look at the entire cool web site.
Caution: Some cool websites require flash and shockwave plug-ins or may take some time to download.
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Someone e-mailed and said "if this is your first time here, it is better to start at the bottom",
Music Link/ Remix and Additional Production
01.31.03 - Dallas/Fort Worth/Texas/Graphics Arts/Organizations/Flash - Dallas/Fort Worth AIGA - Very cool flash website, very tastefully done and of course very cool graphics.
Music Link/Conjure One - What I am listening to right now.
01.30.02 - Dallas/Texas/Advertising/Professional Organizations/AAF/American Advertising Federation - Dallas Ad League - Dallas Texas member organization of American Advertising Federation (AAF), has the Dallas ADDYs™, , also known as the "TOPS of Texas" advertising awards.
Music Link/ Perfecto Collection 2 - yes, i do listen to a different CD every day..
01.29.03 - Consultants/Telecommunications and Business Phone Systems/Phone Bill Audits - Prettyman & Assoc., Inc. - Telecommunications consulting firm does physical inventory phone bill audits, RFP consulting and implementation.
Music Link/ Cream Beach 2002 - what is in the car Cd player right now.
01.28.03 - Food/Beverages/Spirits/Drink Recipes - Spirits Unlimited - Over 600 drink recipes, nice site has lots of drinking info.
Music Link/ Global Underground: Barcelona - what I listened to last week.
01.27.03 - Home and Garden/Catastrophies/Lawn Maintenance - Riding Lawn Mower Safety - Kind of a horrifying thought but this actaully happens.
Music Link/ Global Underground: San Francisco
01.26.03 - Dallas/Texas/Radio Stations/Alternative/ - The Edge - KDGE - this site used to be cool when DJ Merritt was doing the website, but now it is pretty much the Clear Channel weak template, but there are very cool people that work there.
Music Link/ Transport 4
01.25.03 - Dallas/Texas/Accomodations/Restaurants/Bars/Flash - Hotel Zaza - be sure and click on the link for dragonfly and make your reservations
Music Link/ Nu Breed - a must have mix.
01.24.03 -Starting new thing called "Music Link/" Ultra Trance 1 - Got 3 e-mails today from different people in 3 different countries and if it is one person then they went to a lot of trouble with the bounces and spooofed headers but each asked me in a different way to post links to music. Please don't use this to Kazaa the works of these fine artists/dj's/Composers, buy the music, please.
01.22.03 - Dallas/Texas/Food/Restaurants/Bakery - Zaguan Bakery mucho gusto killer grindage, have yet to actually sit down and eat here yet but the bread and breakfast rolls and excellent.
01.21.03 - Dallas/Texas/Public Transportation - McKinney Avenue Transit Authority - Uptown Dallas Trolley system maps and schedules, if it would only get warmer.
01.20.03 - Flash/Movies/Hollywood/Spies - Confessions of a Dangerous Mind - I remember the gong show, it sucked, cool flash website on the movie, about the book, about the man on the TV.
01.19.03 - Flash/Movies/Comic Books/Superheros - DareDevil the Movie - Who would have thought that when I was reading the first edition of this comic book that I should have saved it.
01.18.03 - Flash/Cartoons/Movies/Myths - Darkness Falls - Cool flash site, be sure and click on the legend of the tooth fairy.
01.17.03 - Artists/Interior Design/Home Decoration/Dallas/Texas - LuminArte' - site needs some work but otherwise VERY cool art for your home or office.
01.16.03 - Dallas/Texas/Limousine/Transportation/Events/Weddings/ - Dallas Limousine Service - headed out for a nite on the town again with a limo from Dallas TexasLimousine Service.
01.15.03 - Crafts/Hobbies/Soapmaking/Candlemaking/Supplies - Candle and Soap Supplies - Very retro-ish website that has very cool stuff for candle and soap making.
01.14.03 - Flash/Cold and Flu Season/Diseases/Bioterrorism/Health - Flu Watch - track flu symptoms and bio terrorism information across the U. S.
01.13.03 - Recipes/Nightlife/Bars/Alcohol/Drink Recipes - Virtual Bar - drink recipes, drinking games, stuff for drinking
01.12.03 - Flash/Films/Shockwave/Atom Films/Animation/Companies - AtomShockwave - AtomShockwave's extensive catalog of game, film, and animation content is the foundation of a proven business model based on advertising, sponsorship, syndication, and e-commerce.
01.11.03 - Flash/Travel/Dallas/Fort Worth/DFW Metroplex/Transportation/Limousines - Fort Worth Limousine Service - Went in one of these to a friend's wedding then we went out for a night on the town then back to the airport, excellent transportation.
01.10.03 - Flash/Canada/Education/Seminars/Contests - Flash in the Can - Canadian Flash Festival teaches how to do advanced things, how to make better content, how to sell to clients, how to budget, what a good production process involves, how to troubleshoot, how to overcome some of the deficiencies of Flash, where to go for inspiration, help, jobs, and assistance.
01.09.03 - Flash/Dallas/Texas/Grand Prarie/Horse Racing/Recipes? - Chef Jake - unless the intro is funny and quick.. great recipes on the website for the Horse Racing Track in the DFW Area
01.08.03 - Dallas/Texas/Professional Organizations and Associations/Advertising/Flash? - Dallas Advertising League - The Dallas professional advertising association that is part of the American Advertising Federation, shows the wrong way to do flash (if you get an intro page) , stay tuned for a better version.
01.07.03 - PlayStation 2/PS2/Games/Flash/Driving Games/Killing Games - The Getaway - Very Cool Flash site with models of cars you can steal and british version of GTA3? I have been told the game is similar in style and tone to that of Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels and Snatch.
01.06.03 - Flash/Games/Web Design/ - Zugara - very cool flash web designers that do some work for Red Bull and Playstation 2
01.05.03 - Restaurants/Bars/Nightclubs/Lounges/Shopping/Dallas/Uptown - West Village in Dallas Texas - Ok, so the website is not that cool but with places like Nikita (Best Dallas Nightspot), Tom Tom Noodle House (Very cool to-go food), plus it is across the street from my flat, very cool.
01.04.03 - Games/Gambling/Sports/Online/Sport Book Online - Sport Book of the Month - Go to the best Sport book and Casino on the Web. Great Lines and odds on your favorite sports like football, basketball, baseball, golf, tennis and soccer. Online Casino with Black Jack and many others.
01.03.03 - Sports/Professional/Basketball/NBA/Dallas Texas/All Stars - VOTE NBA All Stars - Ok, it's like this, you can vote EVERY day until Jan. 12th, so vote for the Dallas Mavericks players and see if we can get them in the 2003 All Star Game, oh.. no votes for Tim Duncan please.
01.02.02 - New Year's Parties/Dallas/Addison/Texas/Restaurants/Nightlife - Zen Mongolian Grill - Well, we did not decide until late on New Year's Eve, where we were going but we all went here and had a great time, can't wait to go back and try the food.
01.1.03 - New Year's Resolutions/PayDay Loans/Credit Problems/Cash Advance Loans - Bad Credit Payday Loans - the MoneyStop - New Year's Resolution, I vow not to need a Cash Advance or a payday loan, due to bad credit in the New Year.
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Paisley's Cool Sites featured in Web Guide magazine Feb. 2000
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